Celibate Homosexuality or Victorious Singleness
Over the course of the next couple of blog posts we would like to flesh out the concept of celibate homosexuality, or victorious (that is, obedient) singleness. Lately our culture, both inside and outside the church, has been presented with the concept of gay...
Journey Out #1
New Hope Ministries ministers to a pretty eclectic group; there are parents and other family members who have loved ones who are gay. There are several pastors and other church leaders. A good portion are men and women (mostly men) who themselves deal with SSA. Some...
Journey Out #2
I am going to continue using the analogy of our lives being a house that we bring to God when we first turn to him. If you are going to remodel something or even build it from the ground up, the first step in the process is planning out what you are going to do step...
Journey Out #3
In the last post, I made this statement, “One of first things He showed me was I did not want to change, rather, what I wanted was to be changed.” I was asked to explain the difference, and what it looked like as I actually went through the process of changing. The...
Journey Out #4
The U.S. military has an adage that says, “Embrace the suck.” What is meant by that, according to the Urban Dictionary, is “to consciously accept or appreciate something that is extremely hard or unpleasant but unavoidable, in order to make forward progress.” Frank...
The Journey Out #5
It has been 28 years since I first came to New Hope Ministries, to join its inaugural live-in program. I was a broken man, living with the consequences of all the wrong choices that I had made. I did not come because I had made a decision to change my life; I came...
Reparative Therapy #1
As I begin this series of posts, I am going to start out as I normally do, and that is to lay a foundation for what is to come. In that vein, I would like to begin by examining the issue of Christians using secular therapy in an effort to change their behavior, or...
Reparative Therapy #2
Frank Worthen, when asked what motivates people to change, would often respond by saying, “It is only when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing, that most people will try to do something about their life.” That was certainly true with...
Reparative Therapy #3
In this post I will begin looking at some of the issues that men with unwanted SSA will face as they go through Reparative Therapy. I will begin by stating what I believe to be the most fundamental root cause of male SSA, the seed that grows into the condition we call...
Reparative therapy #4
In the last post, I wrote that one of the common things that men who struggle with SSA deal with is emotional immaturity, which is brought about by not going through some of the common experiences that other males go through that help them to mature in the process. I...