
Articles by Frank Worthen:


Frank Worthen’s Testimony
Born Anew to a Living Hope: My pastor took me into his office and said, Frank, you are a homosexual. Being only thirteen, I needed him to explain same-sex attraction…read more

Behind Homosexuality
Today a battle rages over the origins of homosexuality. This battle is not necessarily…read more

Ex-Gay: Fact, Fraud or Fantasy?
Ex-gay is a term which always brings a response. For the most part, the gay community believes this is a total lie. They deny that it is possible to become…read more

Often, when we have just sinned, we look back on the immediate circumstances surrounding that sin and blame God, others, or some particular situation for what has happened. Some of the things we tell ourselves…read more

Hard Scriptures: To Whom Do They Apply?
We find in Scripture many references to hell and the lost. We see confusing Scriptures that seem to suggest that even though we have accepted Christ, we may still be in danger of losing our precious salvation…read more

Many of us have no idea how our identity was formed. Often we believe the message of the gay community that we were born gay. As we look back, it would seem that we were always gay…read more

How to Deal with Same-Sex Attraction
One of the most difficult battles faced by those overcoming homosexuality is working through attractions they still have to people of the same sex. Often, the enemy capitalizes on the situation to induce guilt, condemnation, and feelings of hopelessness and failure…read more

The Truth will Set You Free
MISUNDERSTANDING GOD: God is a God of order. One has only to read the elaborate descriptions of temple worship to see that God gives us instructions and then expects them to be obeyed to the letter…read more

What is Homosexuality?
In helping people overcome homosexuality, we’ve found that many are in confusion about what homosexuality actually is. There is no agreement among either the scientific community, religious groups or homosexual people themselves…read more


Articles by Anita Worthen:


Anita Worthen’s Testimony
My son, a homosexual? I felt overwhelmed with guilt and shame and determined to fix him at any cost…read more

Determining the Fine Line Between Helping and Hindering
What can I do, what more can I do?!?!?!…as Jan’s frustrated voice broke into deep sobs…read more

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
The telephone rings. Its your son whom you have not seen for many months. You are delighted to hear from him. Mom, can I drop by this weekend? he asks…read more

Guilt: That Continual Crushing Weight
Guilt is epidemic in our culture, the driving force in many peoples lives. Some families run on guilt…read more

Mother-Son Relationships
Bill came across country to join a live-in program because he wanted help for his homosexual problems. His mother took him to the airport and cried, her tears a mixture of joy and sorrow…read more

A Parent’s Thoughts on Identity
The Bible says, be ready to say why you believe what you believe, (1 Peter 3:15). All Christians are challenged on their beliefs sometimes, especially today when the words of tolerance of others lifestyle are considered the ultimate demonstration of love…read more

Peace In the Middle of the Storm
While stuck in heavy traffic and attempting to arrive at an appointment on time, I was calming myself through prayer…read more

For those who have a loved one in the homosexual lifestyle we can sometimes find that their needs/problems can become too important to us, often crowding out other relationships and responsibilities…read more

The Sacrifice of Integrity
The definition of sacrifice is: to give up something of value for something with a more pressing claim. The definition I am using for integrity is…read more


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